Best Golf Practice Nets Reviewed 2021

Whether it’s money, bad weather or lack of time there are plenty of obstacles keeping you from practising your game at the range. If you’re anything like me you’ll find yourself getting out on the course regularly but struggling to find that time to drive out to the range while the sun is still up.

Luckily we’ve put together this list of the best golf practice nets so you can dial in your swing from your own backyard.

Best Golf Practice Net 2021

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5:07 pm UTC
  • Automatic Ball Return
  • Indoor And Outdoor
  • Large Coverage
  • Aiming Targets
  • Does not include Golf Mat
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3:08 pm UTC
  • Includes Practice Mat
  • Large Range
  • Easily Assembled And Transported
  • No Aiming targets
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  • Great Value
  • Aiming Target
  • Transportable Bag
  • No Golf Mat Included
  • Smaller than high ticket models
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5:06 pm UTC
  • Multiple Size Options
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • Travel Bag
  • Brand Name
  • No Aiming Targets
  • No Golf Mat

Benefits Of Using A Golf Practice Net

If you already reading this article chances are you’ve already bought into the idea of purchasing a golf net. But just in case you’re still on the fence here are a few more reasons why we think using a golf net can accelerate your game.

All Season Practice

One of the major factors that separate many golfers from warmer climates against colder climate golfers is there ability to practice all year. This year-round practice ensures that golfers don’t get rusty and have to re-learn their swing once the year starts.

This is especially helpful for feel shots, like chips or layups that require consistency and knowledge of how the club feels in your hand. In my experience, it is extremely helpful to keep these feel shots practised as the year go round in order to keep improving.


Another major factor in using these practice nets is the money you’ll save along the way. A large bucket of balls can easily run you $15. And as the year goes on these costs seriously start to add up.

If you are willing to spend $220 dollars on the highest tier golf practice nets you will find yourself breaking even at only 15 practice sessions. Now I don’t know about you guys. But if I have a golf net in my backyard I’d hit the breakeven number in the first month.


The convenience of these practice nets is probably the best reasons all golfers should look into adding this equipment into their repertoire.

One thing every golfer wants is a little more time. A little more time on the golf course a little more time on the putting green etc. What these practice nets offer is a chance to save all the time of driving. No more driving out to the range and back, these nets simplify your practice into a quick trip to the backyard.

This results in a serious increase in practice times. Even the busiest of golfers can find ten minutes to head to the basement or backyard.

The bottom line of it all is, if you’re spending time looking into practice nets you are probably quite serious about improving your golf game. If you’re spending money on equipment, memberships and golf balls then spending this extra to get a solid practice net is well worth it.

The additional hours you put into honing your game with this practice net will give you everything you need to master this game you’ve invested so much time and money into.

Factors To Consider In A Practice Net

Ease Of Setup

The ease of setup is a factor that is especially relevant to golfers who plan on moving their practice net around. Whether you’re a golf coach or just want to keep your backyard looking to tidy the setup process can be a big deal.

By looking into each practice nets setup instructions you should be able to quickly get a feel for the difficulty of setting these nets up. The majority don’t come with tools or take a long time to set up. But those quick five minutes setup nets will be well worth it when you’re relocating your net for the tenth time.

The ease of setup is also a factor in choosing the best swing trainers such as the Garmin Tru Swing.


The sizing of these golf practice nets is another hugely important factor in choosing the net right for you. The major points you want to take into account in the size of your net. And where are you going to place the net and what is behind your net.

If you’re looking to store your net inside then finding an appropriately sized net to fit the room you have chosen is of course very important. The sizing of each net is listed on the description of each model.

Now the second factor involves the amount of risk you’re willing to take with your practice net. Now standard-sized practice nets should be large enough to contain all your shots. That being said we’ve all shanked golf shots and understand how this could present a problem.

Do you have some neighbouring houses that will be in the path of your mishit ball? If so it may make sense to opt for one of the larger nets to reduce your liability.

Aiming Targets

As you all know, practising shots into your golf net will not yield the same visual results as going to a range. Unfortunately, your best bet is going off of feel to determine if you are hitting your ball properly.

Though one thing you can do to improve this issue is to purchase a practice net with an aiming target. Now, this still won’t give you the same results as see a full ball flight but it certainly helps.

This is especially helpful to golfers that struggle with alignment. If you find yourself pushing or pulling golf shots immediately after contact is made then these targets will help you improve. Having these targets set up in your net will ensure your ball is coming out in the right direction.

Chipping Baskets

Chipping baskets are not a common feature of golf practice nets but models like the Spornia model on this list do include them. This is more less an entirely separate practice opportunity in itself.

If you’re trying to find consistency in your short game chipping is the place to start. At the end of the day you can’t three-putt if you nuzzle your chip right up to the cup.

By incorporating one of the models with chipping baskets golfers will be able to practice an entirely new facet of their game. Chipping is, of course, one of the most difficult and practice dependent parts of golf.

If you are a golfer that can stand to improve their work around the greens. We highly suggest purchasing a golf net with a built-in chipping basket as it will pay serious dividends.

Net Strength

Another major factor in choosing your golf practice net is the strength of the net itself. This is of course for obvious reasons as shooting a golf ball right through your net is not a desirable experience, trust me.

This is especially important if you’re practising with your driver, fairway woods, or hybrids which generate high balls speeds. It is important to make sure that the netting on your practice net isn’t tightly strung. As this will increase the chances it breaks or tears.

We stand behind all the options we have placed on our list but we suggest that if you decide to purchase a model off our list to do your research. This means looking into consumer reviews and seeing what consumers have to say about the quality of the net.

Golf Ball Net Return

Another decision you’ll have to make when choosing your best backyard golf net is the golf ball net return feature.

Several of the models on our list include this feature. The idea is that with only a few golf balls or even one. Golfers are able to practice without spending the time to walk up to the net and collect all the balls.

This is quite a simple addition to a golf net but can save you some serious time while practising. Though, more importantly this is especially helpful to those golfers who have bad backs. If you struggle to bend over and pick up golf balls then having this feature will be extremely helpful.

Instead of having to bend over and fish the balls out of the net. The automatic net return feature will have the balls roll right back to the area you shot them from.

Building A DIY Practice Net

There is, of course, another option when looking for a practice golf net and that is building one yourself. We do suggest that you purchase your net from a reputable manufacturer. But if you a handy person building your own net is not out of the question.

Below we have found a video on how to build your own back yard golf net. Follow the instructions below if you find that this is the best route for you to take.

Best Golf Practice Nets Conclusion

We hope that you have enjoyed our guide of the best practice golf nets. We are comfortable recommending all the items we have mentioned on our list. But we want to make sure that you choose the item that best fits you as a golfer.

Make sure to take the sizing into consideration especially if you are planning on using this golf net indoors. We also believe that taking to the proper time to choose the right net for your needs is very important.

If you are struggling with chipping make sure to purchase a net with a chipping basket. If you are struggling with alignment purchase a golf net with aiming targets.

At the end of the day, we can only provide the information on the nets. But you’ll have to make the final decision on which golf net works for you.

If you enjoyed this guide of the best golf practice nets we hope you check out some of our others.

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