Best Practice Golf Balls 2021 Reviewed

Everyone knows the one secret ingredient improving your golf game is time. And what better way to find more golf time then to make a practice facility at your home. Now, of course, most of us don’t have a large enough backyard for an at-home driving range. But luckily there are tons of quality at-home practice gear to purchase. That’s why we put together this list of the best practice golf balls of 2021.

Best Golf Practice Ball 2021

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2:09 am UTC

By far the most unique item on our list is this Birdie Ball. This “practice ball” is our number one choice for the best practice golf ball of 2021. With millions sold and a winner of PGA awards. This awesome little product is a handy practice tool for any golfer.

  • Great Spin Feedback
  • True Feel and Flight
  • Durable Construction
  • Limited Flight

The birdie ball works by producing the most realistic golf ball flight possible from a practice ball. With a high centre of gravity. The birdie ball is able to produce an extremely accurate golf ball flight in a limited distance.

Great Spin Feedback

This accurate golf ball flight gives you great feedback on your swing. If you happen to hit the birdie ball closer to the shaft of your club, you will be rewarded with a hefty slice.

True Feel and Flight

Due to the heavier weight of the birdie ball you’ll find that the point of contact feels much more realistic. This heavy-weight will be felt in your hands as you go through your swing. Giving you a more accurate feel of contact with a golf ball.

This paired with a noticeable sound when proper contact is made. Will give you a great practice session, enabling you to hone in on a consistent swing.

Durable Construction

The durable construction of this product won’t bend or break like foam or plastic balls. And will ensure that you will able to use these Birdie balls for years to come.

Limited Flight

With a limited flight of about 40 yards, it is quite easy to find an area to practice with these balls. Though their range is a bit too large for indoor use. This 40 yard maximum for a distance means that these Birdie balls are easily used in one’s back or front yard.

Cost And Value

With a price tag of just under $40 this birdie ball is one of the more expensive items on our list. That being said it is still our number one choice for the best practice fall of 2021.

Though the price point is higher, the quality offered with this ball makes it a great value buy. If you’re looking for the best practice ball on the market look no farther than these awesome Birde balls.

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11:07 pm UTC

Next on our list is this awesome set of indoor golf balls from Pride Sports. The foam build of these balls makes them perfect for a golfer that is hosting their practice sessions indoors.

  • Yellow colour for easy visibility
  • Limited Flight
  • Won’t Cause Damage
  • Durable And Long Lasting

Yellow colour for easy visibility

The bright yellow colour used in these foam golf balls makes it extremely easy to find when in your yard. And for anyone that often practices at home, you realize how helpful it is to have a bright coloured ball. This makes it noticeably easier to clean up.

Limited Flight

The limited flight of these from golf balls makes them perfect for indoor use. Golfers will find that due to the short flight and the soft nature of these balls that you will not have to worry about any object being broken or people being hurt.

Won’t Cause Damage

This limited flight also allows these balls to be used for indoor and outdoor use. If you’re looking to chip indoors whether it’s in your living room or in the basement. You’ll find these foam golf balls are a great option.

And if you’re looking to practice with his balls outside. You’ll be able to practice full swings with your irons all in the comfort of your yard.

Durable And Long Lasting

The durability and long-lasting build of these from golf balls are another great feature. Unlike classic plastic practice golf balls these foam balls are much more durable. Especially when coming into contact with hard services.

Repeated contact with your club or against walls can damage plastic golf balls. While these foam balls will simply bounce back. In fact, it’s quite common to use these golf balls with practice against the wall in order to speed up your retrieval process.

Cost And Value

With a price tag sitting at right around six dollars as we write this. We found this model to be one of the best value buys on our entire list. This 12 pack of practice balls will last you for years to come. And with an only six dollar price tag it’s hard to pass up.

If you’re looking for the best bang for your buck on our list of the best practice golf balls or 2021. Then we suggest this 12 pack of yellow foam balls from Pride Sports.

Best Indoor Golf Balls

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5:08 pm UTC

Next on our list is this awesome sixty-four pack of foam practice golf balls. If you’re a golfer looking to put in some serious practice sessions at home then these foam balls are a great option.

  • Mimic Real Golf Balls
  • Indoor and Outdoor Training
  • Storage Tote Included
  • Limited Flight

Mimic Real Golf Balls

One great feature of these foam golf balls is that with their build and appearance they are the closest to mimicking the real thing. Practising with these foam golf balls will have you feeling much more confident while addressing the ball.

Due to the dimples built into this ball, this product is able to mimic the flight and spin put on a regular golf ball. Though it is not quite as effective as the birdie ball spin. These foam golf balls still do a solid job and giving you swing feedback.

Indoor and Outdoor Training

Another great feature of this product is the capability to be used indoors and outdoors. The build of the ball is made of foam, so it is not able to cause any damage within your home.

That means if you want to practice indoors you won’t have to worry about causing any damage with the ball. And of course, through the durability of these foam balls they are easily used outside without compromising the ball itself.

Storage Tote Included

This set of practice golf balls also comes with the storage tote bag. This is used when you’re rounding up all your balls. It’s just a simple way to store and carry them when moving from one practice session to another.

Limited Flight

And of course like all golf balls on our list this model features a limited flight. This allows you to practice with your golf balls and more confined spaces such as a back or front yard.

Despite the flight being limited but you will not be able to do full swings it in your house. Though you can easily use these balls indoors for practising short and mid-range chips.

Cost And Value

With a price tag just under $30 for the 64 pack we found this model to be a great value option. Due to the high quality of the balls and just the sheer number that are included for this price. We found this model is a great option for any golfers that are planning to spend a ton of time practising.

For those that are interested in this model, but do not want to purchase so many practice balls. This company also have a smaller pack of 16 available for a much lower price.

Best Budget Practice Golf Balls

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8:06 pm UTC

The next selection from our list of the best practice golf balls are these awesome plastic balls from SKLZ. These black and yellow practice balls are the new age version of practice balls. The same style of plastic practice ball you knew with a couple enhancements to make an even better practice experience.

  • Indestructible and resistant to dents
  • Flight distance of approximately 45 yards
  • Regulation size

Indestructible and resistant to dents

This new and improved take on the white plastic golf balls is another great option for golfers looking to find reliable practice balls. This new build makes these balls nearly indestructible and much more resistant to dents.

Often times with the original white plastic golf balls golfers would find that they would break or become misshapen after plenty of use. This model has rebuilt that construction in order to avoid this problem.

They give golfers the same classic feel of the white plastic golf ball. While being a little more trustworthy and offering you a little more value due to the product durability.

Flight distance of approximately 45 yards

With a limited distance, this ball maxes out at about 45 yards. These 45 yards is the farthest could possibly hit this ball so this would be making great contact had a full swing with the driver.

The majority of golfers tend to find that their iron shots go a max of 20 to 25 yards with this ball. Which means they’re easily useable for practising in most backyards.

Regulation size

Another handy feature of these balls is that they are regulation size. This sizing should make you feel more comfortable when using a real golf ball as it should look similar upon address. This also helps you get a feel for your climate in contact with the ball and what it will feel like when the sweet spot is hit.

Cost And Value

With a price today just under $10 this model is one of the more inexpensive items on our list. Though it does come with less balls the indestructible nature of this product means that you won’t need too many.

If you’re looking for a high-quality practice golf ball for a fair price this SKLZ golf ball is a great option.

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5:08 pm UTC

The last item on our list is the classic white practice golf ball. You know exactly what you are getting with these practice balls as they have been the go-to model for years. If you are looking to get something you know then these balls are still a great option.

  • 50 Balls total
  • Indoor And Outdoor Use
  • White Colour Easy To Find
  • Limited flight
  • Spin Feedback

50 Balls total

Included in this pack of white practice golf balls is 50 total units. This is quite large compared to most items on our list. The total of 50 units paired with the durability of these balls means that these will last for years to come.

Indoor And Outdoor Use

These balls can be used both for indoor or outdoor use. If used outdoors they tend to be a little more durable than foam golf balls and will not be harmed as much from inclement weather.

White Colour Easy To Find

The white colour of these golf balls is another great feature that helps with the cleanup process. Any golfer the tends to practice in the backyard knows how easy it is to miss place a few balls throughout your practice session.

And after a few weeks or months, these missing balls start to add up. With the white colouring it’s easy to spot these balls amongst the grass. Making the cleanup and retrieval process even easier.

Limited flight

Limited flight of these balls tops out at about 45 yards. Most golfers find that when using these with their irons they will get a top-flight of around 25 yards.

This means you should have more than enough room to use these in your backyard or at a nearby park. If you plan to use these balls indoors you’ll likely be limited to just chipping as a full swing will hit this ball too far.

Spin Feedback

This model is not as high tech as some of the other items on our list but this ball does provide some spin feedback.

What is means is that when you put some spin on the ball be it either a draw or a fade you’ll be able to see it in the flight of the ball.

This will help you get a better understanding of how you’re hitting the ball especially if you’re looking to avoid slices or hooks.

Cost And Value

With a price tag of just under $12 this pack of 50 is some of the greatest value you could find in our list.

If you’re looking to find a large number of balls for some serious value these classic white practice golf balls may be your best bet.

Frequently asked questions about practice golf balls

Does hitting training golf balls help?

Hitting practice golf balls does, in fact, help your game and you can do so in a variety of ways. First off I can help you address issues with slices or hooks if you happen to choose a ball that gives you great swing feedback.

You will be able to practice at home and see which tricks you can make your swing in order to reduce the effects.

These high feedback balls will mimic the exact swing you put on a real golf ball. Therefore you’ll be able to test what exactly you need to do and not do in order to avoid your slices or hooks.

Another way to practice with these balls it just simply chipping. Every golfer knows how important a short game is to their score and mastering the game of chipping can take some serious strokes off your card.

Where to buy foam golf balls?

To find any practice golf ball you could head to any of your local golf shops. Though if you’re looking to find a specific brand or just the widest variety to find a ball that suits your needs your best bet is to shop online. Larger golf stores such as will give you the most variety in your selection and hopefully find the ball that is perfect to fit your game.

What are practice golf balls made of?

There are two main styles of practice golf balls those being ones made of foam and ones made of plastic. The plastic golf balls tend to travel a little farther and will give you a little more of a realistic flight of a golf ball.

The foam golf balls offer a shorter flight and are more typically used when dealing in small spaces. Foam golf balls are also able to be used indoors due to the fact that they are not be able to cause any damage.

How far do foam and plastic golf balls fly?

The distance that a practice golf ball can fly depends on the brand and what the ball is made of. Typically plastic golf balls that are most commonly used have an average maximum distance of 45 yards.

Though most golfers state that they only hit these balls about 25 yards. Now, if in fact, you are using foam golf balls the maximum distance these travel is about 15 yards which makes them much more suitable to be used inside.

Are these foam balls as good as plastic?

Many golfers have questioned if foam golf balls are in fact as good as plastic in the answer the question depends on exactly what you’re looking for. Typically if you’re looking for the most realistic golf ball flight you’ll be better off using plastic balls.

Though or if you are confined to a smaller space or are causing damage inside your home you may want to opt for foam golfball. All in all both off balls are fairly accurate in the training of your swing as well as how the ball will fly when you make contact.

Which foam/plastic golf balls are best for swing training?

The practice golf balls that are best for swing training are going to be those they give you the most effective swing feedback.

Those are golf balls that are going to most realistically imitate the flight of a regular golf ball. On our list that ball happens to be the Birdie ball.

This unconventional looking practice golf ball Gives you better feedback for any of the other balls we have covered on the list. This will give you a chance to understand what you have to change your swing to achieve proper spin on the ball.

Another great golf training tool you can use to improve your swing from home is a golf alignment stick. These little plastic tools help you ensure your alignment is set up properly when you address the ball.

What are the best ways to use these balls?

There is no one best way to use practice golf balls but there are several different ways of being utilized used to improve your game. First off you can use the balls with good spin feedback to get a better understanding of how your ball will fly and what you need to change on your full swing.

Secondly, you can use your practice golf balls to improve your chipping as using practice golf balls is nearly exactly as beneficial as using real ones when practising chipping.

Finally, you can use your practice golf balls to practice putting. This will help with your line of the ball. Though when looking to improve your weighting of your putts it is better that he use a real golf ball for those drills.


We hope you enjoyed our guide to the best practice golf balls of 2021. If you have any questions regarding our list or any of the products we featured on list be sure to reach out in the comments below.

If you did enjoy this list we hope you check out some of our other buying guides. Such as our guide to the explaining golf practice nets.

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