Have you been invited to a pink lady or pink ball golf format tournament and want to know what it means? If so then you are in the right place as this guide is going to breakdown exactly what this golf format is.
This golf format is meant for groups of three of four to compete against other groups in a tournament setting. Each group will be given a pink ball to use on the hole. One member of the team will play the pink ball on the first hole. While the others will play out the hole like usual.
Once the hole is completed you will take the aggregate score between the golfer who played the pink ball and the lowest scorer from the rest of the team.
You will then rotate which team member plays the pink ball for the next hole. You will continue this rotation until the round is complete. And each golfer has played the pink ball on atleast four holes.
The team that has the lowest score after combining their pink ball score and their team’s low ball score on all 18 holes is the winner of the tournament.
Additional Rules Of Pink Ball Format
Like many other golf formats and side games, the pink ball golf format has several rules that some players use and others don’t. We found that throughout our research most tournaments do not use these rules. Though we found it important to mention just in case.
Losing The Pink Ball
Some tournaments state that if you lose the pink ball then your team is eliminated from the tournament. This is, of course, a very harsh rule. The vast majority of golfers lose at least one ball per round. So playing out all eighteen holes with the pink ball means one is likely getting lost. This is why we found most tournaments do not use this rule.
Another rule that is used when you lose the pink ball is eliminating the member of the team that lost the ball from the tournament. This is another rule we found the majority of tournaments will not use. This puts a ton of pressure on each player. It also will likely ruin the tournament for whichever golfers are unlucky enough to put this ball out of bounds.
Concluding Thoughts
I our guide to the pink ball golf format taught you everything you need to know. If you have any questions about this tournament format please reach out and let us know.
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